We’re generous people

because we’ve been changed

by a generous and faithful GOD 

Through our tithes and offerings, we get to partner with God in expanding His Kingdom through Passion Church.

We believe honor is important and we honor God by returning to Him our first and our best. We believe a culture of generosity in your home sends several messages.

  1. I trust God not my resources

  2. It makes room for God's blessings

  3. My resources are tied to Kingdom purpose

Kingdom Builders

We all have a part to play in God's Kingdom - and every year, we can connect with that calling through Kingdom Builders. Through Kingdom Builders, we will expand our partnership with local and global ministries to reach those far from God, and we'll be positioning ourselves to expand our current site while actively seeking God for our next location. We are passionate about His work, and will use these three areas to do it. Radical generosity allows us to leave an impact that lasts far beyond ourselves.